December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays!



Schaefer Financial Group is a National Wholesaler for Annuities and Life Insurance Products
13 years of helping Advisors be the Best that they can be!
1090 2nd Street South Ste 2C
Sartell, MN 56377

Update Profile / Unsubscribe

December 1, 2010

Have you been Naughty or Nice!

Schaefer Financial Group is a National Wholesaler for Annuities and Life Insurance Products
13 years of helping Advisors be the Best that they can be!
1090 2nd Street South Ste 2C
Sartell, MN 56377

Update Profile / Unsubscribe

October 18, 2010

Webinar: Earn 6% to 12% on Fixed Income Alternative


Don't Miss This Webinar Wednesday!

Earn Referral Fees through a Fixed Income Investment with Equity Type Returns of 6% to 12%

I would like to inform you that we have teamed up and will be sponsoring a webinar with an Indianapolis based company that offers accredited investors access to an investment class that offers safe, predictable, uncorrelated returns with very little risk. Fractional Interests are an excellent diversification strategy with competitive interest rates of 6%-12%.

 As a Selling Agent, you have an opportunity to earn 7% on the sale of these interests.

With the volatility of the stock market, real estate market and recent international and political instability, many portfolios have suffered a free fall, just when boomers are approaching retirement. Investors are looking for a diversification tool that is relatively safe compared to other types of investments and Fractional Interests give individual investors an opportunity to realize the types of returns that only institutional investors have enjoyed.

If you have a client-base of accredited investors, this could be the type of investment they've been looking for.

If you would like to learn more about this unique opportunity or have questions, Leo LaGrotte, President of Life Settlement Providers will be hosting a 45-minute webinar and Q&A session on October 20th, 2010 at 2:00 PM (Eastern).

To register for this webinar, please click here.

If not using a computer and you wish to access the presentation via phone, please use the toll free conference call # and code below:

Conference Call #: 1-800-444-2801
Conference Code: 5712286

Thank you for your interest.

Schaefer Financial Group is a National Wholesaler for Annuities and Life Insurance Products
13 years of helping Advisors be the Best that they can be!
1090 2nd Street South Ste 2C
Sartell, MN 56377


Update Profile / Unsubscribe

October 14, 2010

1000 Free Postcard Promotion in October



Schaefer Financial Group is a National Wholesaler for Annuities and Life Insurance Products
13 years of helping Advisors be the Best that they can be!
1090 2nd Street South Ste 2C
Sartell, MN 56377

New...Only 10% bonus product Issue to age 85


Schaefer Financial Group is a National Wholesaler for Annuities and Life Insurance Products
13 years of helping Advisors be the Best that they can be!
1090 2nd Street South Ste 2C
Sartell, MN 56377

Update Profile / Unsubscribe

October 5, 2010

Earn 3 to 5 percent while being 100% liquid



September 15, 2010

New 8% Premium Bonus EIA to age 85 Plus 25% on GMWB

New Fixed Index Annuity Product Just Out!
8% Upfront Premium Bonus on Deposit to age 85
3 Guaranteed Income Riders to choose from depending on your needs
1) 25% upfront bonus on your GMWB = 135% of Deposit with Prem Bonus
2) 8% Compounded over 10 years on your GMWB
3) Income Max offering the highest % of income on cash value
Six Cash Accumulation Strategies to Choose from
10 year Surrender Schedule
7.5% commission
+ SFG Bonus Opportunities can earn you an additional .75% to 2.1%
Call us for more Details

August 26, 2010

Looking for a Great product that Generates Great Retirement Income and doesn't forget to compensate the agent?

How about a

10% Agent Comp + SFG Bonus Opportunity

10 year surrender schedule

5% Bonus on GMWB

7.5% Rollup Rate on GMWB

Full Value Upon Death

Call for Details!


10% Bonus...8% Rollup Rate...SFG Bonus Opportunity

The Best Fixed Index Annuity with Income Rider just got better

10% Premium Bonus

8% rollup rate for up to 20 years

now with 3% increasing payment option

Great agent compensation

+ SFG Bonus Opportunity

+ Marketing Incentives and Stock Options

Call for Details!


August 6, 2010

New Single Premium Whole Life with LTC Rider Beats the Competition!

Please Compare and Call us at    877-257-8246


60 year old male non smoker


Single Premium                                                                100,000

Total Qualified LTC Benefit Limit                                521,703

Max Monthly Benefit Amount                                       7,246

Minimum Qualified LTC Ben Duration                     6 years

Face Amount                                                                     173,901

Premium Refund Feature                                            100,000

Residual Life Ins Benefit                                                    5,000




August 3, 2010

Summer CD Busters

4% 1st year fixed Rate Annuity
3% minimum guarantee
6 yr surrender period
10% penalty free available
1 x 5 annuitization option available
4% Agent compensation

3.65% Guaranteed for 5 years
5 year walkaway
full value upon death
Interest only available
3.0% agent compensation

Call us at 877-257-8246

July 20, 2010


I just wanted to update you on the success rate of our powerful X11 Annuity mailer and give you another chance to take advantage of our GUARANTEED RESPONSE OFFER. It's the only guaranteed response rate program in the country and it’s a “no brainer.” WE’LL GUARANTEE YOU A MINIMUM 1.5% RESPONSE RATE ON A MAILING OF 1,500 OR MORE PIECES. If, by some chance your mailing doesn’t generate that minimum response, within 80 days of mailing, we will continue to mail, at our cost, until you receive a minimum of 23 responses.

The numbers regarding this mailer are overwhelmingly compelling. Just close one of the 23 responses that you’re guaranteed AND YOUR COMMISSION WILL BE DOUBLE YOUR MAILING COST (assumes selling a $40,000 annuity at a 4% commission). Every additional close just adds to your profit.

As of today, more than 300 orders have been placed for this mailer, with a considerable number being reordered. Response rates generated, to date, have ranged up to 5.28% with only four agents receiving less than the 1.5% response rate we guarantee. Other than these four, VIRTUALLY ALL PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS HAVE RECEIVED A RESPONSE RATE GREATER THAN 2%.

The mailer, in fact, has been so successful that we’ve even upped the income of the prospects we mail to so that you have an even higher quality prospect to speak with.

Here’s just a sample of the response rates generated from our most recent mailings

State Pieces Mailed Response Rate
CA 1,500 4.20
LA 3,323 2.38
TX 2,000 2.60
CT 1,500 3.10
IA 3,000 4.88
PA 1.500 2.77
TN 1,500 2.78
FL 1,500 2.71
MN 3,500 1.97
LA 3,500 3.09
NJ 2,500 2.40

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Call me at 1-800-547-5478 ext.200 for further information and/or to place your order.

Marcia Glasser

P.S. If you’re not familiar with CIS, we are the country’s largest provider of marketing support programs for financial professionals, having processed, to date, more than 600,000 mailing list, seminar invitation, and direct mail orders.

June 23, 2010

12 Month Signing Bonus

Special Summer Bonus Promotion for New Agents

12 month Signing Bonus

We are willing to pay you a bonus on every application you write for the next year. No Strings Attached!

Qualifying Producers or Producer Groups can be a part of the Largest Bonus Incentive Opportunity in the Country and get as much as 2.1% over street on your Indexed Annuity business.

Do the Math... How much is it costing you NOT to give us a try?

Not only will we help you write more business, we will
pay you more for the business you do write!

Call us for Details


Let Us be your #1 Wholesaler for Annuities and Life Insurance Products

June 3, 2010

New Product Approved in AK, MN, PA, UT, WA

New Product Available in (MN) June 1st

Single Premium Fixed Index Annuity

5% premium Bonus

8% income rider rollup rate

10 year Surrender Schedule


Call us for Details

May 10, 2010

4.15% Fixed Rate Annuity

4.15% Fixed Annuity
5 Year Surrender Schedule
10% withdrawals available year 1
Full Account Value Upon Death
4% Agent Commission

Take advantage of our Quick Start Bonus Program
and give us a chance to EARN and help Grow your business!

April 20, 2010

Help Me, Help You Get Annuity Prospects


Not only do we have the Biggest Bonus Incentive Opportunity in the industry that can continue to pay for your prospecting!

We have teamed up with the best Prospecting Companies in the country to help you build your practice!

For Example:

A New Agent for as little as 250k of annuity premium can get an average of
10-15 pre scheduled and confirmed Annuity Appointments


46 Gauranteed Annuity Direct Mail Leads

Take advantage of our Quick Start Program
and give us a chance to EARN and help Grow your business!


April 16, 2010

Fund your life insurance with LTC benefits using your IRA!

Do you have clients who receive their Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) and do not have an income need for it? Do they take their RMD money and place it in a savings or money market account?

Asset-Care® III is a strategy that combines an individual retirement annuity (IRA) and a 20-pay whole life policy. The life insurance policy accelerates the death benefit for qualifying long-term care expenses, and is funded through the IRA - which is issued with a single premium.

Clients can benefit from qualified money not needed for income to provide protection from the costs associated with long-term care expenses, with unused amounts payable to heirs or charity.

March 26, 2010

Increase Your Production by 141%

The Retirement Analyzer

Will Provide Answers to These and Many More

Important Client Questions

Here are just a few of the many questions the Retirement Analyzer software program will answer:

Can I continue my present standard of living into my retirement years?
When can I retire safely without running out of money?
How could my situation change during turbulent economic times?
How would it affect my family if I die prematurely?
How would it affect my family if I enter a nursing facility?
What are the possible solutions if my situation changes?

Agents In 2008 Increased their production by 141% by using this software program. Learn how you can use it at no cost. ($3000 Value). This is the number #1 needs ananlysis software on the market today! Call us and let us help you get the most out of each appointment.


March 18, 2010

Deferred annuities may now benefit from federal tax advantages!

Deferred annuities may now benefit from federal tax advantages!

With the benefits of the Pension Protection Act in effect as of January 1, 2010, many consumers are interested in learning how their old deferred annuity can be utilized to its fullest.

Annuity Care® and Annuity Care® II can provide clients:
• Tax-free withdrawals for qualifying LTC expenses using the PPA
• Cash value growth with a minimum 3% guarantee interest rate
• Higher credited rate for LTC expenses
• Options to extend coverage beyond their own money

Call us for more Details


March 15, 2010

Pool Your Production with the "Buddy Bonus System" and Earn Huge Bonuses

How the Buddy Bonus System Works

Schaefer Financial Group is allowing you to pool your production with your Buddies in order to qualify for Huge Bonuses! Any agent that is not currently contracted with Schaefer Financial Group and complies with our business model can be your Buddy. As a single advisor we already have the best cash incentive program in the industry. As a new producer you will automatically earn a bonus of 25% of our override on your first piece of business and every piece of business you write for the first six months. After the first six months if you have 500k of issued annuity premium you will get a six month extension at the same bonus level. At this point we will always look at your 12 month rolling average of issued annuity premium and as long as you maintain a million or more you will continue to receive 25% of our override as a bonus. However, you tell your Buddies about us we will pool your production together creating a producer group giving you a better opportunity to earn not only bonus money but Big Time Bonus Money on your business. See the different Tier Levels below.

Premium Levels are measured by the previous 12 months of paid production

Group Premium Tier Levels Below

1 Million (25%) = $7,500 in bonus money

2.5 Million (35%) = $26,250 in bonus Money

5 Million (50%) = $75,000 in Bonus Money

10 Million (60%) = $180,000 in Bonus Money

20 Million (70%) = $420,000 in Bonus Money

Maximum Agents Per Buddy Pool is 10 and the Bonus Money varies depending on the Carrier and Product Written and is only paid on Fixed or Indexed annuity premium. Only agents at Street Level commission can qualify. Bonus money is paid to you as a separate check from Schaefer Financial Group and is above and beyond the commissions that are paid to you directly from the Insurance Carrier.


February 28, 2010

CD Busters for March

CD Busters for March

4.15% guaranteed for 7 yrs
3.65% guaranteed for 5 yrs

Call our Marketing Department for details


February 3, 2010

Single Premium Whole life 13% commission

Efficient Wealth Transfer to Heirs

Please Compare

65 year old male non smoker
$100,000 Single Premium Guarantees $201,999 Death Benefit

Living Benefits up to 80% ($161,599) of the GMDB
should you become permanently confined to a nursing home
or have a qualifying Terminall Illness

Can get your premiums back after 5th year

13% agent commission


January 15, 2010

31.25% guaranteed 1st year bonus

New Index Annuity Product

5% premium bonus
25% 1st year bonus on the Income account Value

100k deposit = $131,250 immediate GMWB
70 yr old guaranteed $7,875 a year for life starting immediately


8% rollup rate on the income account value for 10 years

10 year surrender period

10% withdrawals available year 1
Full Value at Death
No Chargebacks

Issue Age 0-85

Great Commission!

Call me for more detail!

Jesse Schaefer


Prospect Match

ProspectMatch helps financial professionals who are wasting time and earning too little. If you are earning less than $100,000 a year, you're either not serious, or doing the wrong things and we can show you what to do. If you are earning $100,000-$300,000 annually, you've figured some things out. But those who use our systems see their income top $500,000 annually because they spend their days doing marketing the right way, talking to motivated affluent prospects and they sell the right way.

This 10 min video will show advisors how we match them with prospects:

Discounts are given to active appointed agents with Schaefer Financial Group and we also have the best agent cash bonus incentive in the industry which if you write any business at all will more the pay for the leads you get.

Weekly Webinar Schedule

January 14, 2010

Get more Bank for your Buck in 2010

Get more Bank for your Buck in 2010

with our

New Agent Quick Start Bonus Program

Any new producer that fits our business model and chooses to do Fixed Annuity or Index Annuity business with us at Schaefer Financial Group will get paid top level agent compensation and receive an extra cash bonus from us equal to 25% of our override on every application that goes paid in the first six months, starting the day you submit your first application. After the initial six month period has expired if you have 500k of submitted and issued Annuity premium your bonus period will be extended another 6 months.

At this point any producer that can maintain a 12 month rolling average of a million or more of Annuity premium will be considered a Big Money Gold Producer and continue to received this 25% bonus incentive.

Producers who maintain a 2.5 million dollar 12 month Rolling average will be considered a Big Money Platinum Producer and get 35% of our override as a bonus.

Producers who maintain a 5.0 million dollar 12 month rolling average will be considered a Big Money Diamond Producer and receive 50% of our override as a bonus.

Let's do the math on a 2.0% override product

Quick start 25% on 100k = $500 Agent Bonus

Gold producer 25% on 1,000,000 = $5,000 Agent Bonus

Platinum Producer 35% on 2,500,000 = $17,500 Agent Bonus

Diamond Producer 50% on 5,000,000 = $50,000 Agent Bonus

We believe in taking care of the people that take care of us! With knowledgeable people giving the best service and bonus incentives in the business!


Annuities with Qualified LTC Riders are a Big Deal

Take advantage of the Pension Protection Act of 2006
As of January, 1st 2010 Annuities with Qualified LTC Riders are a Big Deal

long-term care rider charges will no longer be taxed and benefits will be treated
as long-term care benefits after this date due to the provisions of The Pension Protection Act of 2006.

Do you think this might be an incentive for people without LTC Insurance to 1035 money with low cost basis into these types of products... Yes it will
We have a product with one of the highest rated companies that pays the highest agent compensation for this type of benefit.

An Annuity that will act as an Annuity until you need LTC, in which at this point Triple the Annuity value can be used for LTC Benefits

Call for Details

Jesse Schaefer
